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Terms of Service


The present Terms of Service (hereafter "TOS") govern the terms of access and use of the website (hereafter the "Website").

In accordance with the provisions of Articles 6-III and 19 of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for Confidence in the Digital Economy, known as the L.C.E.N., the Publisher informs the users of the Site of the following information:

Website Editor :


13 rue des verriers in MONTBRONN (57415)
SAS with a capital of 350.000 €.
Registered at the RCS of Sarreguemines : 77 B 40
SIRET : 30985674800012
SIREN : 309 856 748
Code APE : 2313Z
Telephone : 03 87 96 36 11
E-mail :

Host : Shopify INC located at 126 York St. Ottawa, ON K1N 5T5, Canada. Mrs. Lætitia BOISSINOT-GUILLEMOT

Director of Publication : Mrs. Lætitia BOISSINOT-GUILLEMOT



The purpose of the Website is to provide information concerning all the activities of the Publisher.

The latter strives to provide on the Website information as accurate as possible. However, they cannot be held responsible for omissions, inaccuracies and deficiencies in the update, whether they are of its own making or of the making of third partners who provide this information.

All the information proposed on the Website is given as an indication, is not exhaustive, and is likely to evolve. It is given subject to modifications having been made since it was put online.

The Website also allows users to order crystal products directly online, and to receive them directly at home (see our general sales conditions).


The Website is available free of charge on the Internet and is accessible to any user with Internet access.

The Editor ensures the maximum availability of the Site 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. However, it cannot guarantee that the Website is available in all circumstances and that it is available without interruption or error.

As such, the user acknowledges that in the current state of the technique and in the absence of guarantee of the operators of telecommunications, the permanent availability of the Website cannot be guaranteed; In the event of technical unavailability of the Site, all the means will be implemented by the Editor to remedy it with diligence.

If necessary, the Editor reserves the right to limit or suspend access to the Site to carry out any maintenance and/or improvement operation necessary for the proper functioning of the Website and/or interventions for the purpose of modifying the Website, which may be carried out without prior notice from the Editor to the users.

To minimize the impact of this one, the Editor will try to plan it between 8 pm and 7 am, except in case of imperative necessity. The user expressly recognizes that the present guarantee does not cover any breakdown or interruption of the service intervening because of the operators of telecommunication and/or the company hosting the Website.

Under no circumstances shall the Seller be held responsible for interruptions in access to the Website and their consequences, whatever the extent.

The user declares to be informed that, to access the services proposed by the Editor, he must have an Internet access subscribed with the supplier of his choice, the cost of which is at his expense, and recognizes that :

- The reliability of the transmissions is random so that breakdowns or saturations can intervene;

- Any equipment connected to the Website is and remains under the entire responsibility of the user,

- The user also agrees to maintain the confidentiality of the login credentials to his account and expressly acknowledges that any connection to his account will be deemed to have been made by him. Any loss, misappropriation or use of the connection identifiers and their possible consequences are the sole responsibility of the user.

It is the responsibility of each user to take all appropriate measures to protect themselves against the contamination of their data, software and/or hardware by viruses that may circulate through the Site or the information published on it, and to manage their data backups.


The purpose of the Website is the sale of products, in application of the T&C of the Editor.

The contents include in particular:

An online store including a section Our collections, Tableware, Decorations and Exceptional pieces.
A section " Our House " detailing the history, the know-how, the possibility of personalization, the colors and the achievements of the Cristallerie de Montbronn SAS.
A "Blog" section where an article is published every month.
A "Contact" section allowing the user to contact the Editor by filling in a contact form.
A "Shopping Cart" section where the user can find all his selection made on the Editor's Website.
A "Search" section where the user will be able to enter search terms to explore the Editor's Website.
A "My Account" section where the user can find his orders.
Users agree to use the Website in compliance with all the provisions mentioned in these TOS.

They expressly accept that the use of the Website, the information and tools included or accessible via the Website is done under their own responsibility.

Users shall refrain from carrying out any downloads or operations that may hinder the proper functioning of the Website.


All intellectual property rights, in particular copyrights, trademarks, image rights and related rights concerning the general structure of the Website as well as the texts, images, photographs, logos, and any other element composing the Website, belonging to the Editor, to the companies of its group or to their managers remain the exclusive property of the latter or of their respective holders.

The trademark " Cristallerie de Montbronn " is registered with the INPI under the number 4489170 for the classes n°14 - 16 - 21 - 34.

Any exploitation, commercial or not, in particular any downloading, copying, reproduction, distribution, transmission, broadcasting, adaptation, translation or representation, in whole or in part, of the Website, and in particular of its general structure and/or its logo, of the aforementioned trademarks, by any current or future means and process, on any current or future medium, without the prior written authorization of the Editor or their respective holders, is prohibited and is likely to give rise to legal proceedings, in particular in respect of infringement.

The databases appearing on the Website are protected by the provisions of articles L. 341-1 and following of the Intellectual Property Code. In particular, it is forbidden to extract and produce, quantitatively or qualitatively substantial, the content of the databases contained on the Website. Any offender will be subject to the penalties specified in Articles L.343-1 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.

It is strictly forbidden to use any program intended to extract the content of the Website, with the exception of robots used by companies operating search engines.


The present TOS are subject to French law.

Only the French language is recognized as the contractual language and will be authentic between the parties.


In the event that a dispute arises between the parties due to the execution or interpretation of the TOS, the parties agree prior to any legal action to seek a solution.

Non-professional users are informed that they may in any case resort to conventional mediation.

The mediation service retained by the Publisher is the CMAP.

In case of failure of this amicable procedure, the disputes will be submitted to the competent courts under the conditions of common law, except for the professional users for whom the competence is expressly attributed to the competent courts of METZ.

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