We offer an international delivery for our products, covering most of the world's destinations.
In reason of the unique nature of our crystal products, it is of the greatest importance that the transportation process runs smoothly in order to assure that our items arrive in perfect condition. For that reason, we have meticulously selected online transporters according to their reliability and delivery service quality.
Upon receiving your order from the transporter, please carefully check the integrity of each individual package. If any default or damage were to be found, you must inform the transporter right away. If the package shipped presents any sign of damage, indicating unauthorized opening or non-professional manipulation during the transport, you are not obliged to accept delivery from the transporter. In this case, it is essential that you report any damage noticed on the packaging. Please note that any subsequent claims surrounding eventual damages from the transport will not be taken into account.
We give great importance to our clients' satisfaction, and we are doing everything we can in order to be assured that your products are delivered to you in impeccable condition. By working with reliable transporters and encouraging you to signal any problem met during the reception of your order, we hope to provide you with an optimal and secured delivery experience.
We are pleased to offer free delivery, with no minimum purchase, for all orders placed in France. In addition, for orders of €500 or more, delivery is also free, regardless of the country of delivery.
However, for orders of less than €500, delivery charges apply. Please consult the list below for shipping rates according to the country of delivery:

If you encounter any problems during the payment process linked to the delivery, please contact our customer service department by e-mail at the following address :
We are entirely devoted to resolve any problem that you might encounter and to find a solution that is adapted to your situation.
Our customer service team will be happy to assist you and answer any concerns you may have regarding the delivery of your products. Please give us as much details as possible on the encountered problem so that we can help you quickly and efficiently.